The Pen Guy in the Press Democrat

The Maker Faire 08 in San Mateo Faregrounds, was a great success with over 70,000 showing up for the most amazing faire of its kind. The organizers and countless volunteers did a fantastic job of making this event run smoothly, thank you Sherry Huss for having me come to the faire, and thanks for the …

Justin Fox Hangs with the Mercedes Pens

I recently went and saw Justin Fox in concert, my all time favorite music artist. He made a special request that I would be there with the car so I went and saw him with my wife Sandy. His most recent album “seabright” has an awesome song called “My California” Thank you Justin for such …

Guest Speaker in Santa Rosa – The Pen Guy

If you are looking for a guest speaker and inspirational comedian for Santa Rosa and the rest of the Bay Area, then look no further. The Pen Guy and his Mercedes Pens Art Car is now available to appear at local schools, events, business meetings, benefit concerts, fundraisers, and any other type of gathering you …