The Pen Guy on KSRO 1350 today!!!

Pearl gluying a pen on the Mercedes Pens at Art Car Fest 06 in Berkeley, CA

Today an interview I did with Curtiss Kim from KSRO 1350 AM airs, in fact I am up at the crack of dawn to write a little, put up some new photos and listen for the show. The show airs this morning from 5:30 to 9am, noon and again form 3-6pm. To Curtiss and the KSRO team, I thank you for the opportunity to talk about Mercedes Pens and my journey as the Pen Guy. To all of you in Santa Rosa and Sebastopol and the rest of Sonoma County, I love making you smile as we pass by each other, it is my goal in life to make as many of you laught out loud as I can, by driving this wacky, pen covered car. I would also love to come by your schools, business, organizations, or events to share more of my life journey in the hopes that I would encourage you to go out and follow your dreams and desires for your life. All the best, and dont forget to wave, honk, call or email me with your thoughts.