Guest Speaker in Santa Rosa – The Pen Guy

If you are looking for a guest speaker and inspirational comedian for Santa Rosa and the rest of the Bay Area, then look no further. The Pen Guy and his Mercedes Pens Art Car is now available to appear at local schools, events, business meetings, benefit concerts, fundraisers, and any other type of gathering you can think of. I plan to be at Maker Fair in San Mateo, Art Car Fest in San Francisco, Berkeley and San Jose and also local events such as the Sebastopol Apple Blossom Festival, Harmony Festival and City Kids Festival in Santa Rosa. Its going to be an incredible year, lots of fun, many more pens to be glued on the car, and some taken off and given away as gifts. In doing all this I hope to inspire others to pursue and explore their gifts and talents in new and creative ways this year. The best part of being the “pen guy” is that it’s a lot of fun, it makes people laugh and it’s something people of all ages can enjoy and participate in.