Donated Pens – Silver Spur Elementary and The Green Team

Donated Pens From Silver Spur ElementaryThese pens came a couple of weeks ago from Merin D. a parent from Silver Spur Elementary School in Rancho Palos Verders, CA. Merin is also part of The Green Team an interactive educational program to help students and teachers to help the environment through waste reduction, reuse, recycling and …

O’Reilly Media Recycling Pens for the Pen Guy

O’Reilly Media Tarsier Sculpture by Patrick AmiotPhoto by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid O’Reilly Media just agreed to collect old pens for me the Pen Guy for my million pen project that I will be working on in the next 5-10 years. My plan is to collect millions of pens to create works of art …

Collect A Million Pens – Pen Guy’s plan for re-using pens

Recycled Felt Tip Marker Bag In the past three and half years I have managed to collect over 10,000 pens that I glued on my Mercedes Pens Art Car and people ask, “now what?” So far I have not found anyone out there who has a better solution for the millions of pens that end …

Pens from Chicago

A big thank you goes out to the person from Chicago who sent all these pens last Tuesday. It’s nice to know that someone would take the time to mail a bunch of pens to some yahoo in California with a crazy pen covered mercedes.