Recycle Pens, glue them on a Mercedes

Crayola MarkersMercedes pens Covered in Crayola Markers cover the Mercedes Pens roof, they are nice an thick and don’t bend off the roof in the summer heat.

When I first came up with the idea to glue pens on my Mercedes Pens, actually the idea just came to me or else I would have never thought of this in a million years, I had no idea my car would become such a hit around town and even around the world. I knew it was a great idea because every one uses pens and eventually they get stolen, lost or thrown away. So when I first started collecting them I had no problem asking, and they had no problem donated them for crazy art car project. Some even gave me brand new samples, what can I say I am equal opportunity and the pens would “eventually” run out of ink. Over the past two and half years I have gotten better at finding more an more pens and now I have a couple of thrift stores that call me about every two weeks for a pen pick up. I also visit schools in Sonoma County and give talks about what I do and why I do it. In return I have gotten bags of old pens, mainly crayola markers. This year I plan to get out more and talk more about recycling, art, and inspiring others to follow their dreams and visions for their life. My big dream in life is to become a world-renowned motivational speaker comedian. I dont know how, but I know it happens one pen at time.

Pens from Mozambique Orphanage Arrive!!!

Pens from Orphanage in Mozambique

Thank you boys for the great collection of pens!!! Now I have to figure out where to put them all. I think I will have to put them inside the Mercedes Pens so the names don’t get faded in the sun this summer. Stay tuned for more updates.