Maker Faire Bay Area 2009 Video Montage

Maker Faire Bay Area 2009 Video Montage Here is the best video montage I found of Maker Faire 2009 so far, that gives a good flavor of what the event was all about. The guy playing the snow shovel guitar is Isaac Frankle the ‘Shovel Man’ a Guitarist, Singer, Lyricist, Percussionist, Harmonica Player Instrument Inventor …

Pen Guy wearing the NOKIA Lanyard at Maker Faire

During maker faire I also met some of the folks from NOKIA one of the sponsors of the event. I met DuCharme who works at the Nokia Research Center (NRC) in Palo Alto “chartered with exploring new frontiers for mobility, solving scientific challenges to transform the converging Internet and communications industries.” Sound like fun and …

Amazing Fisheye Lens Photo of the Pen Car Hood

This amazing photo of the Mercedes Pens Hood was taken last weekend at Maker Faire by Andy with a Sigma 8mm Fisheye lens. So far its the most dramatic photo I have seen making the hood looking pretty darn cool. The only problem is the missing pens on the right side, maybe I could photoshop …

PenAgain™ Inventor Colin Roche Shows up at Maker Faire

Colin Roche and The Pen Guy with the ErgoSleekMaker Faire 2009 was fantastic, and there are lots of things I will be sharing in the coming days, but first I wanted to talk about Colin Roche, the inventor of an amazing pen called PenAgain™. In my four years as the Pen Guy I have never …