PenAgain™ Inventor Colin Roche Shows up at Maker Faire

Colin Roche and The Pen Guy with the ErgoSleekMaker Faire 2009 was fantastic, and there are lots of things I will be sharing in the coming days, but first I wanted to talk about Colin Roche, the inventor of an amazing pen called PenAgain™. In my four years as the Pen Guy I have never …

Forestville Water District Now a Pen Donation Center

Pens Donated by the Forestville Water District Well folks its official, the Forestville Water District has now become the official Pen Donation Center for the town of Forestville CA. If you get your water in Forestville, which by the way is the best tasting water I have ever had, you can always drop your old …

Inspired mom collects olds pens for the pen guy

I found this great picture on a blog called The Clothesline by a wonderful mom called Cathy who found The Pen Guy blog and decided to collect her old pens and send them over when the box is full. The comments are also very encouraging and came on a day when I was feeling down …