Amazing Recycle Pen Art Showing at the Greentivities Exhibit

Recycle Pen Art by The Pen Guy – Time Warp I just completed my second recycle pen art project in time to be shown at the Sonoma County Fair exhibit called “Greentivities“. “Greentivities”, is a new, fun, interactive, and exciting venue for both kids and adults to showcase examples to the community with ways to …

Sushi Pen Review by The Pen Guy – Something Smells Fishy

One of the many perks as the pen guy when I am no out back creating pen art out of donated pens is doing the odd pen review here and there. Today’s pen is brought to you by the Prank Place who sent me this pretty raw looking “Sushi” pen. If you love sushi, then …

The Pen Guy Launches Recycled Pen Art Project on IndieGoGo

I am happy to announce the creation of my very first art piece  called “Giving Tree” a 48″x48″ piece covered with about 500 sharpies. I am also launching my Indiegogo fundraising campaign to raise  $8250 to help me create another seven “pentings”. I have been collecting pens ever since I started the Mercedes Pens Art …

Pen Guy to Collect a Million Used Pens to Make Art

PRESS RELEASEPEN GUY TO COLLECT A MILLION USED PENS TO MAKE ART The Pen Guy has a goal to collect a million used pens of all kinds, to create giant art murals called “Pen-tingsä.” He hopes to redirect the flow of some of the millions of used pens that end up in landfills every year …