Pen Explosion at The Pen Guys House – Nobody Hurt

I woke up this morning to find my pen storage bin with its door blown off its hinges and pens spilling all over the place. This bin was given to me with a broken hinge and it simply could not take the pressure of about 30K pens pushing up against it. I had a sinking …

500 Reasons to Buy Promotional Pens from Bic Promo Pens

  Its has been way too long since my last post so I wanted to break my blog fast by giving a big thanks to Tej over at Bic Promo Pens the #1 source for promotional, advertising, and logo pens. Tej sponsored me this month by printing and sending over 500 of my very own …

Pens From New Mexico Smell Funny – Smell-a-Vision

I got this massive box of Pens sent in by Don from New Mexico the other day and frankly they smell kinda funny. Don’t get me wrong I love all and any pen sent regardless of the way they look, smell or taste. Any ways I did a video about this particular batch of used …

One Legged Wooden Model with Giant Calligraphy Pen

I got this calligraphy pen donated from BJ Broadstone, one of my facebook friends the other day with a story written on the tag, here is what it said: A little story: This calligraphy pen helped me earn a small income by addressing wedding invitations and creating poster size calendars. Thanks to the high tech …