Mercedes Pens Makes the Doggie Boogie Movie Trailer

About a year ago the Mercedes Pens Art Car was hired to be in a movie called Doggie Boogie about Pijo the dancing Dog. Yesterday I run into the trailer and to my big surprise I found a brief shot of Pijo jumping in the Mercedes Pens from the passenger side. This was the scene …

4 Steps to prepping the Mercedes Pens for a movie shoot

Do you ever wonder what its like over here at the Pen Guy house with all the donated pens I have been collecting locally and through the mail? Well here are the exclusive, never before seen pictures of my front yard totally covered in pens ready to sorting for my big roof project. You start …

Mercedes Pens to Appear in Doggie Boogie Movie

Yes folk its true I just signed on with my Mercedes Pens to appear in a movie called “Doggie Boogie!, Get Your Grrrr ON!”. Its a Feel-Good Family Comedy with an Unusual Twist, written directed and Produced by Romanus Wolter. They were looking for a colorful art car to be in about four scenes, one …