Pen Recycling Barrel Now at City Life in Santa Rosa

City Life community center has a for a long time now graciously allowed me to have pens mailed here at 2425 Mendocino Ave in Santa Rosa. They were even more gracious when I asked them if I could put one of my pen recycling barrels in the front lobby. Now not only can you mail pens here but you can if you want go down and drop them off your self. They have been very supportive with my Million Pen Drive so I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

City life community center is a very unique place, it used to be a Heald college location and now its a place where many organizations meet and hold meetings during the week. They have ballet and martial arts classes, 5-6 churches meet there such as City Life Fellowship , Giving Tree Church and others. Hope Works is also located there, a non profit organization that is gang intervention and inmate reentry program. Its a great place to find great information about local events and meetings that are happening all through out the week.

The New Pen Donation Address is:
The Pen Guy – P.O.Box 994 – Forestville, CA 95436