One Million Project
MErcedes Pens Art Car on NightLine
Recycle One Million Pens – It Can Be done
In the past three and half years I have managed to collect over 10,000 pens to be glued on my Mercedes Pens Art Car and I have been asked many times, “now what?”. In searching the internet I have not found anyone out there who has found a better solution for the millions of pens that end up in the dump. There was a recent article called Refillable vs disposable pens written by Michael Bloch of Green living Tips that addressed this problem. In the end he said that the only current option for the reuse of old pen is to donate them to me, the pen guy. Its weird to think that my art car is so far the only solution to this problem, that is why I want to answer the “what next” question. I would like to go to the next level and dedicate the next 10 years collecting over a million old pens to reuse in art projects that I would like to do. I believe I have a solution