Donated Cedax Pens – Great Pens With NOT so Great Side Effects

Got these Cedax (Ceftibuten) pens in the other day all the way from Windsor Ca from my pen pall Nancy. V. a mere ten miles away from my PO Box. I have a bunch of medical pens on the Mercedes Pens but I have never featured any of them on the pen guy blog, so …

Used Pens Donated by Artist Ben Schlitter

These Pigma Micro used pens were donated by Ben Schlitter, an award winning designer, illustrator and painter from Santa Monica California. Ben is an illustrator and painter who owns an award winning multidisciplinary design studio called studiobenben. When getting his hands dirty Ben works mainly in acrylic and collage but he also enjoys creating illustrations …

Pen Explosion at The Pen Guys House – Nobody Hurt

I woke up this morning to find my pen storage bin with its door blown off its hinges and pens spilling all over the place. This bin was given to me with a broken hinge and it simply could not take the pressure of about 30K pens pushing up against it. I had a sinking …