Sushi Pen Review by The Pen Guy – Something Smells Fishy

One of the many perks as the pen guy when I am no out back creating pen art out of donated pens is doing the odd pen review here and there. Today’s pen is brought to you by the Prank Place who sent me this pretty raw looking “Sushi” pen. If you love sushi, then …

The Pen Guy Receives 30,000 Pen Donation From TerraCycle

I just received one of my biggest pens donations ever last week from TerraCycle at a whopping 30,000 pens that was delivered on a pallet about 5 feet high all the way from Trenton, NJ. I will be partnering with Terracycle to create art works made from pens and sending them over as soon as …

4 Good Reason Used Pens Don’t Work Well in this Photoshoot

4 Good Reason Used Pens Don’t Work Well in this Photoshoot I just received two packages of used pens, a bunch from my friend Don R. in Hastings, Nebraska today, and a bunch of pens from S. Wilner in New York about two weeks ago just in time for Christmas. I decided to have some …

Pentel Pens Just In – Recycology™ program explained

Pentel Super Ball, Fine Superball and Quickball Pens Donated by Pentel to The Pen Guy On one my recent meanderings I landed on Pentel’s page called Recycology™, a program created to enhance their mission of helping the environment by creating less waste and increasing recycling activity. They are focused on protecting the environment at all …