Amazing Recycle Pen Art Showing at the Greentivities Exhibit

Recycle Pen Art by The Pen Guy – Time Warp I just completed my second recycle pen art project in time to be shown at the Sonoma County Fair exhibit called “Greentivities“. “Greentivities”, is a new, fun, interactive, and exciting venue for both kids and adults to showcase examples to the community with ways to …

The Pen Guy Launches Recycled Pen Art Project on IndieGoGo

I am happy to announce the creation of my very first art piece  called “Giving Tree” a 48″x48″ piece covered with about 500 sharpies. I am also launching my Indiegogo fundraising campaign to raise  $8250 to help me create another seven “pentings”. I have been collecting pens ever since I started the Mercedes Pens Art …

Brooke Inman “Everything Color Circle” Pen Collection

Brooke Inman created this collection of pen art called “Everything Color Circle”. I am not sure whats going on but its sure an impressive array of pens with a  few pencils sprinkled in there. Any one with this kind pen collection is surely a friend of mine.