Pen Rainbow Inside the Mercedes Pens on the way to Art Car Fest

Its nice to finally have enough pens collected to be able to create an entire pen rainbow on the inside of Mercedes Pens Art Car roof. I just finished this beauty yesterday and with a colorful interior like mine, a rainbow seemed like the right thing to do. The inside is the safest place to …

Pen Guy and his Crazy Pen Covered Wool Jacket – Art Car Fest Video

This is a video was taken at last years Art Car Fest opening night for Harrod Blank’s movie Automorphosis in ElCerito CA. Here I am sporting my funky pen covered wool jacket that I created just for this special red carpet event to see an art car movie, only I didn’t see any carpet. We …

Fish Pen Finds Final Resting Place Inside Mercedes Pens

Fish Pen send in by Mari finds final resting place inside Mercedes Pens A fish pen from Santa Cruz that found its way to the Mercedes Pens Art Car two years later is a remarkable story. I met Mari during Art Car Fest in Santa Cruz two years ago who came by to see all …