The Pen Guy posing with donated pens inside the Mercedes Pens
The Pen Guy and a bunch of donated pens inside the Mercedes Pens Art Car
Last Tuesday I had the privilege of doing my first “Lecture” at the Sebastopol Area Senior Center who provide activities, classes and events for adults of all ages. My lecture was really a short visit to talk about the Mercedes Pens Art Car and the my future plans to collect a million pens collect and have a couple of root beer floats:) It was a lot of fun and after wards we went down to the Pen Car to take a closer look inside. I was invited to come by Emily Webster who also publicized the lecture in the Bohemian including a mug shot in the front to my complete surprise. The day after I got this great email from Emily and this is what she had to say about it.

Aren’t you wonderful! Good job here at the Senior Center . You are a good personality, energetic and very very likable. Everyone is for you. We all want to see you succeed with your wonderful pen ideas. We want to see you all over the world collecting pens. Oh, by the way, thanks for volunteering your time here. We all had a great time with you.”-Emily Webster