Five Pen Recycling Bins on the Hood of the Mercedes Pens
Five Pen Recycling Bins on the Hood of the Mercedes Pens
Four stacked recycling bins on the hood of the Mercedes PensOne Pen Recycling Bin on the hood of the Mercedes Pens
Pen Recycling Bin in Action
Pen Recycling Bin in Action

Its not often that I get governmental cooperation to help me collect a million pens but last week I did. My source within the agency made some inquires and got permission to place five pen recycling bins around the office and then called me with the go ahead on the project. I did some recon and found the best bins for the best price at Walmart , and then proceeded to attack them with glue and pens. The result, five beautiful pen recycling bins for use at the secret government location somewhere on planet earth. To all of you pen recyclers at the facility thank you and thank you to the higher ups for making it happen:) Can’t wait to come by for that visit:)