Pen Mail Box 2.0 Made Possible by Hanna

Pen Covered Mail Box 2.0 in the making Pen Covered Mail Box 2.0 ready to receive mail Last Sunday during the making of the Pen Guy documentary we shot the creation of the pen covered mail box version 2.0. Paul filmed me in my workshop opening up my mail, taken the pens out and covering …

Buddy the Pen Eating Droid Well Fed With Pens at Goodwill

Recycled Pens From Goodwill inside the Mercedes Pens This mother lode of used pens was extracted from the guts of “Buddy” the pen eating droid now located at Goodwill Industries on Yolanda Ave. in Santa Rosa California. He was only there for about two weeks but as word spread about him many came to make …

Used Pen from Failed Bank Gets Second Life on Mercedes Pens

Pen Guy Holding Used Pen From Home Valley Bank This used Black Bic Grip Roller Pen was sent in by Nathan from Grants Pass, OR. This is all that ‘s left from Home Valley Bank that was recently closed down by The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services. Read article here. I don’t know …

First Ever Chia Pet made from 500 Pens or Dangerous Bed of Pens

The first ever Chia Pet made from 500 pens was made possible from a generous donation from Amsterdam Printing who included the Mercedes Pens Art car as one of the top 11 most bizarre branding collections. Thank you very much. They sent me a box of metallic branded pens that were miss prints and this …