Goverment Agency to Recycle Pens

Five Pen Recycling Bins on the Hood of the Mercedes PensPen Recycling Bin in Action Its not often that I get governmental cooperation to help me collect a million pens but last week I did. My source within the agency made some inquires and got permission to place five pen recycling bins around the office …

Massive Pen Donation by The Summer Performing Arts Company

Around the end of November I received what is probably the biggest box of pens from so far from The Summer Performing Arts Company and I wanted to thank you guys for doing that. These promotional pens where left overs and were found quite dry so naturally they sent over to yours truly who is …

Pen Guy Lecture at Sebastopol Senior Center

The Pen Guy posing with donated pens inside the Mercedes PensLast Tuesday I had the privilege of doing my first “Lecture” at the Sebastopol Area Senior Center who provide activities, classes and events for adults of all ages. My lecture was really a short visit to talk about the Mercedes Pens Art Car and the …