Buddy the Pen Eating Droid Moves to Goodwill

Buddy the Pen Eating Droid Moves to Goodwill Industries in Santa Rosa Ca“Buddy” the pen eating droid formerly located at Video Droid,  just moved to his new home at Goodwill Industries in Santa Rosa. His job at Goodwill will be to just stand there and collect dead pens of every kind for me while I stay home and get some work done. So if you happen to go there don’t forget those pens.

Buddy was met with enthusiasm today by Andrew and Jessica who work there and who also gave him his name. Jessica was on the job but Andrew was there on his day off looking for treasure. It was a good day because he found him self a nice retro looking toaster.

We chatted a about buddy and I left him there feeling good that Andrew and Jessica would make sure he stays out of trouble.