Sushi Pen Review by The Pen Guy – Something Smells Fishy

One of the many perks as the pen guy when I am no out back creating pen art out of donated pens is doing the odd pen review here and there. Today’s pen is brought to you by the Prank Place who sent me this pretty raw looking “Sushi” pen. If you love sushi, then you need one (or all!) of these great Sushi Pens! Each ballpoint pen writes with black ink, comes with its own ballpoint cover, and has a delicious sushi at the other end of the pen!

On the pro side, its a great looking pen and does well for short notes and sushi phone orders. I would say a great addition to your pen collection or super duper deal if you owned a sushi shop.

On the other hand its not really a good pen if you like to journal or write long notes. It doesn’t glide over the paper that well and the fact that the barrel is narrow makes it hard to handle and your hand will eventually cramp up. The sushi pen is unbalanced, top heavy and awkward to write with.

I am sorry but I have to give the sushi pen a three out of five dead fish rating.