Guest Speaker in Santa Rosa – The Pen Guy

If you are looking for a guest speaker and inspirational comedian for Santa Rosa and the rest of the Bay Area, then look no further. The Pen Guy and his Mercedes Pens Art Car is now available to appear at local schools, events, business meetings, benefit concerts, fundraisers, and any other type of gathering you can think of. I plan to be at Maker Fair in San Mateo, Art Car Fest in San Francisco, Berkeley and San Jose and also local events such as the Sebastopol Apple Blossom Festival, Harmony Festival and City Kids Festival in Santa Rosa. Its going to be an incredible year, lots of fun, many more pens to be glued on the car, and some taken off and given away as gifts. In doing all this I hope to inspire others to pursue and explore their gifts and talents in new and creative ways this year. The best part of being the “pen guy” is that it’s a lot of fun, it makes people laugh and it’s something people of all ages can enjoy and participate in.

Recycle Pens, glue them on a Mercedes

Crayola MarkersMercedes pens Covered in Crayola Markers cover the Mercedes Pens roof, they are nice an thick and don’t bend off the roof in the summer heat.

When I first came up with the idea to glue pens on my Mercedes Pens, actually the idea just came to me or else I would have never thought of this in a million years, I had no idea my car would become such a hit around town and even around the world. I knew it was a great idea because every one uses pens and eventually they get stolen, lost or thrown away. So when I first started collecting them I had no problem asking, and they had no problem donated them for crazy art car project. Some even gave me brand new samples, what can I say I am equal opportunity and the pens would “eventually” run out of ink. Over the past two and half years I have gotten better at finding more an more pens and now I have a couple of thrift stores that call me about every two weeks for a pen pick up. I also visit schools in Sonoma County and give talks about what I do and why I do it. In return I have gotten bags of old pens, mainly crayola markers. This year I plan to get out more and talk more about recycling, art, and inspiring others to follow their dreams and visions for their life. My big dream in life is to become a world-renowned motivational speaker comedian. I dont know how, but I know it happens one pen at time.

Pens Guy, Motivational Speaker Comedian

One of my big dreams in life is to become a motivational speaker comedian. I have had this desire for the past 15 years now, but its only in the past two years that the doors of opportunity opened for me to do that. My hearts desire is to motivate and and inspire others through art and comedy to fulfill their destiny by following and taking action on their life’s dreams. What is our purpose in life? to just exist or is there greater meaning and purpose for us all. I believe we were all created with purpose and for purpose to enrich each others lives as we flow in our gifts and talents.

I have been fortunate in life to have fulfilled many of my dreams going all the way back to grade school were my desire back then was to play the trumpet. In Jr High that dream came true and in one grade I went from beginner band to advanced with a trumpet solo at the years end concert.

The Mercedes pens art car came to me one day after two years of dreaming about creating my own art car. This car was a gate-way into the world of art cars and motivational speaking. About a year after I started the car a school called me up and asked me if I would bring my car and speak at their weekly school assembly about what I do and why I do it. I was fired up and totally exhilarated afterwards, I had found the opening I was looking for into the world of motivational speaking.

Since then I have attended many events and spoken at a few schools in Sonoma County, CA. This year my dream and desire for 2008 is do four times as many events and speaking engagements than I did in the 3 years combined. What is that look like you ask?

I come to your organizations with my car and talk about what I do and why I do it. If you are looking for a dry speech, I am not your guy. But if you want a funny, motivational, charismatic, clean, inspirational, speaker comedian with a car covered in over 6000 pens and want to hear about my life, experiences and what it’s like to drive my car around town, then I am your guy.

Pen Covered Christmas Wreath

Pen Covered Christmas Wreath on the Mercedes Pens Art Car

A little late but I just found my camera and was able to get a nice shot of the front of the Mercedes Pens with my new Christmas wreath covered in pens. I found a plastic wreath and used tie wraps to attach the pens to it. I took apart a wire coat hanger and with more tie wraps attached the whole thing to the bumper of my car. I drove all of December with this thing on and did not loose a single pen. I think the bumper on this car rocks!!!

Advertise your Company Pen on the Mercedes Pens Art Car For FREE!!!

There are over 6000 pens on the Mercedes Pens Art Car, mostly pens with a business name imprinted on it. If you want to advertise your business send me a pen with your logo on it and I will glue it on my car, and post a picture and a link to your web site for FREE. (I reserve the right to decline any business for any reason) If you have extra pens that you want to donate, working or not send them as well. Send your pens to:
The Pen Guy
6484 Mirabel Road
Forestville, CA