Mercedes Pens – Pentopian Society Doggie T

Mercedes Pens - Pentopian Society Doggie T

I love the fact that I can use my mad skills as a graphic designer to create designs like this new “Pentopian Society” logo, upload it to my new Pen Guy T Shirt Store and within minutes see my work displayed and for sale on the back of my new Pen Guy Doggie Tee. The Pentopian Society T Shirt is so hot and so popular in the canine community right now that I decided to make it available for humans as well. But wait, it gets better, you can also order shoes and a skateboard with the same logo to go with your Pentopian Society T Shirt, when you walk you Pentopian Society Doggie.

Pen Guy Store Now Open – T Shirts and Swag for Sale

The Pen Guy Store - Get Pen Guy T Shirts and More

The Pen Guy is proud to announce the grand opening of the Pen Guy T Shirt and Swag Store, located on Zazzle. The primary purpose of my online T Shirt store is to raise funds for much needed repairs on the Pen Car running strong now with a meer 272k miles. For now I have one design up but will be adding many more in the coming weeks.I did all this in anticipation of a very busy week in the media for the Pen Guy.

Today I was interviewed for a feature piece for the Bohemian and will probably be coming out next week or the week after. Tomorrow I will drive down to SF for more shooting for the Doggie Boggie movie. And tomorrow night at 10.00 pm I will be on Eye On The Bay, CBS channel 5 for their Friday Flea Market segment. They gave me a minute and half to tell the bay area that I am available for appearances, anywhere in the bay area to show off the pen car, speak and pick up old pens.

My primary goal is to bring pen recycling awareness to the bay area with a massive Pen Drive and collect a million pens for future projects and maybe one day open up Pentopia.

So all I ask is that you:

  1. Watch the show
  2. Collect your pens
  3. Email me
  4. Schedule an appearance
  5. Buy a T shirt

Is that too much to ask?:)