Pen Guy Shot In The Eye With PEN!!!

You know what they say “You’ll poke your eye out with that thing….” That thing was a dry erase marker I used to plug the leak in my sprinkler system Thursday morning. I was down there messing around with the knobs trying to fix it. Next thing I know I heard the sound of running water then a POP. I was directly over the pen when it shot me in the eye, man did that hurt. My eye filled with blood from a broken vessel so I went blind in my left eye for a little bit. I was driven to emergency and then sent to the eye doctor for further examination. I almost lost my breakfast as he was describing in detail what actually happened to my eye. But the good news is that I left the hospital with no major injuries, and some eye drops to put in over the next 3-4 days. The bad part is I will not be able to attend the Harmony Festival in Santa Rosa this weekend. I had a whole section of old pens removed on the Driver rear fender so the kids could put fresh pens on again. Now the car looks like a kitty after its been shaved for surgery.

How much does the Mercedes Pens Weigh?

Yesterday May 21 I was invited to speak at the Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise a very lively group of business leaders in the community who have accomplished some amazing things. During my talk the one question I kept getting was, how much does the Mercedes Pens Weigh? I had no idea but this morning I did something about and went to a local business that had weight machine and asked if they could weigh the car for me. The total weight of the Mercedes Pens before this whole mess started was 3,500lbs. Three years later it comes to 4,070lbs which means all the pens including the ones in the trunk added a whopping 570lbs. to the pen car

Pen Guy at Maker Faire 08 Video

Maker Faire 2008 from Rebecca W on Vimeo.

Here is a very nicely made video that captured the essence of what it was like to be at maker faire 08 this year. I was located by the entrance next to the Electric Cup Cakes, which you could have anytime of day without all the calories. The video also includes, the 20 foot woman of fire called “Crude Awakening”, the original Lego Art Car, human powered carnival rides by cyclecide, the human powered bus ride and a big wheel. Lots of fun hope to see you there next year and remember to bring your old dead pens.

Pen Slip n Slide debuts at Maker Faire 08

I had some paper out with a big pile of pens right on top, and this guy decided to take a dive into it. It’s the world first pen slip n slide, a bit dangerous, but with practice you can do it “write” without hurting yourself.

These two little guys waited all year to donate their old pens to the Mercedes Pens Art Car. They came last year and were able to glue a few pens on the car. Thank you:)

PG Postcard

Costas “The Pen Guy” Schuler is the creator of the Mercedes Pens art car covered inside and out in close to 7000 pens. He started with a 1981 Mercedes Benz 300SD and with a tube of 100% clear silicone glued his first twenty pens one night in the summer of 2005.

He has been featured on Cable TV, Newspapers and on the internet around the world. He has participated in and shown his pen car at Art Car Fest, Maker Faire, Harmony Festival and has spoken in many local schools in the San Franscisco Bay Area, California.