5 Ways to Go Green This Year – Recycling Used Pens at #5

Eco Etiquette: 5 Wacky Ways To Go Green In The New Year - Recycling used pens for the Mercedes Pens Art Car at #5
Jennifer Grayson green writer for the Haffington Post wrote an article called “Eco Etiquette: 5 Wacky Ways To Go Green In The New Year” and collecting used pens for the Mercedes Pens came in at #5. I am very grateful that I made the top five for this years Eco list but I am really torn up about loosing the #4 spot to “peeing in the shower”. It’s tough considering everyone in Brazil is doing it, but If I get the entire country to send in their used pens for my million pen project, I might have a fighting chance for the #4 spot next year. Thanks for your support and keep sending in those used pens, and lets beat those Brazilians. The other top three spots were:

  1. Going to bed an hour earlier
  2. Stop using shampoo
  3. Eating a PB&J sandwich

4 Steps to prepping the Mercedes Pens for a movie shoot

Do you ever wonder what its like over here at the Pen Guy house with all the donated pens I have been collecting locally and through the mail? Well here are the exclusive, never before seen pictures of my front yard totally covered in pens ready to sorting for my big roof project.

You start out with all the old pens out in the open ready for sorting.
A ton of pens all over the sidewalk

Then you start sorting the crayola markers by color in bundles.
Crayola markers sorted by color

Then you prep the roof with drain pipe glued on with silicone.
Drain pipe tubes glued on the Mercedes Pens roof

Then you shove all the crayola marker bundles in the tubes and pray to God they don’t fly off the roof while your driving down the highway at a whopping 65mph.
Crayola markers on the roof of the Mercedes Pens arranged by color

It took me about a week to scrape and prep the roof and another week to short and glue the new pens on. All this to get the Mercedes Pens ready for filming on the new movie called Doggie Boogie in San Francisco. I got one more day of shooting next week so all I have to do do is show up with the car just as it was last week.

Fashion Barbie Pen Arrives from New York

Fashion Barbie Pen Arrives from New YorkHere is another massive box of pens from the Green Team at Grace Church School in New York. When I opened the box up I found a pen I had never seen before, a Barbie Doll Pen. After surviving her long journey in a dark box filed with messy crayola marker pens she took so time to enjoy the sun. This time our one legged wooden model took some time off to sit with her and pose sitting on the box. Her journey is complete and will become part of the Legendary Mercedes Pens in some way sometime soon. The pens also came with a crayola stained note, I guess the red one still works.
Red Crayola Stained Note for the Pen Guy

One Legged Wooden Model with Giant Calligraphy Pen

One Legged Wooden Model with Giant Calligraphy PenI got this calligraphy pen donated from BJ Broadstone, one of my facebook friends the other day with a story written on the tag, here is what it said:

A little story: This calligraphy pen helped me earn a small income by addressing wedding invitations and creating poster size calendars. Thanks to the high tech printers, and PCs, my pen has been retired:( But hello mural!!

The story on the wooden model is that when I go to the thrift store to collect pens I always take a peak in the garbage can just in case. This one time I saw the one legged wooden model and I had to have it, so I dove and took it home. If I ever wanted to learn how to draw a one legged person, I have the right wooden model for it.

Thanks BJ.